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  • New Energy Drive Motor Core Technology Innovation Seminar Successfully Held
    July 23, 2024

    With the rapid development of new energy technology and market, the core technology of drive motors has ushered in unprecedented development opportunities. Advanced materials, self-bonding molding processes and other cutting-edge technologies continue to emerge, injecting strong impetus into the innovation and development of core application technology. In order to deeply discuss the route and direction of the innovation, development and application of new energy drive motor core technology and strengthen the exchange and cooperation of the core industry chain, on July 18, the "New Energy Drive Motor Core Technology Innovation Seminar - Self-bonding and Other Cutting-edge Technologies" was held in Ningbo, hosted by the Core Application Branch of the China Electrical Equipment Industry Association and co-organized by Ningbo Hongda Motor Mould Co., Ltd. and Suzhou Yingci New Energy Materials Co., Ltd. The theme of the meeting was to respond to new changes, promote new technologies, and drive the "heart" future. Guo Zhenyan, Vice President of China Electrical Equipment Industry Association, Cai Wei, Foreign Academician of Russian Academy of Engineering and Professor of Harbin University of Science and Technology, Zhu Ziqiang, Academician of Royal Academy of Engineering and Top Professor of University of Sheffield, Wang Xiangyang, Secretary General of Iron Core Application Branch of China Electrical Equipment Industry Association, Chen Zhuo, Consultant of Metallurgical Technology Development Center of China Iron and Steel Association, Zhou Gao, Deputy Mayor of Cixi Municipal People's Government of Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, Xu Zhibin, Mayor of Kuangyan Town People's Government, Lou Jianli, Deputy Mayor of Kuangyan Town People's Government, Xiao Haihang, Executive Deputy Secretary General of Iron Core Application Branch of China Electrical Equipment Industry Association, Song Hongjie, Chairman of Ningbo Hongda Motor Mould Co., Ltd., Pei Ruilin, Chairman of Suzhou Yingci New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. and Second-level Professor of Shenyang University of Technology, and other leaders attended the meeting. Wang Xiangyang, Song Hongjie and Zhou Gao successively delivered speeches to the conference, Guo Zhenyan delivered a speech, and Xiao Haihang presided over the meeting. Wang Xiangyang said in his speech that at present, the world is actively promoting the goal of carbon neutrality, and the new energy industry has become an important field for scientific and technological innovation and economic development in various countries. As an important part of new energy applications, the innovation and progress of the core technology of the drive motor is directly related to the efficiency and competitiveness of the entire industrial chain. Looking back on the past, my country's core technology has gone through an extraordinary journey from nothing to something, from weak to strong. From the traditional lamination process to the modern self-bonding techn...

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  • 2024 World New Energy and New Materials Conference Press Conference Held in Beijing
    July 03, 2024

    The 2024 World New Energy and New Materials Conference, hosted by the People's Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and undertaken by the People's Government of Ordos City, the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and the Energy Bureau of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, aims to thoroughly implement the important speech and important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection of Inner Mongolia, focus on doing well the "two major events", integrate new concepts, explore new paths, and effectively promote the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to comprehensively do a good job in modern energy economy, vigorously cultivate and develop the new materials industry, actively seize the commanding heights of industry, technology, and opening, give birth to new industries, new models, and new momentum, accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, and strive to build a new industrial development pattern of multi-energy complementarity, multi-industry progress, multi-point support, and diversified development. At the press conference, Hu Chengdong introduced the overview of the 2024 World New Energy and New Materials Conference. He said that this conference was held with the theme of "new quality productivity, new economic momentum" through "one conference, one exhibition, two events, two releases, and three conferences". "One conference" is the opening ceremony, "one exhibition" is the world new energy and new materials exhibition, "two events" are the Warm City Cup 2024 China New Energy Vehicle Ordos Challenge, 2024 Hydrogen Energy "Specialized and New" Entrepreneurship Competition, "two releases" are the 2024 New Energy and New Materials List, and the release of major scientific and technological achievements, and "three conferences" are the 2024 Ordos Zero Carbon Industry Conference, the New Energy and Energy New Quality Productivity Development Conference, and the Coal-based New Materials Branch. Huang Yanzhang introduced the preparations for the conference. He said that the 2024 World New Energy and New Materials Conference will adhere to high-starting point planning, high-standard organization, and high-quality guarantee on the basis of in-depth summary of the successful experience of the previous conference, and strive to build industry brands, deepen exchanges and cooperation, and expand the influence of the industry. Work hard and see real results, and ensure that the conference will be an "innovative, frugal, open, and green" industry event. It is understood that this conference will present five highlights: First, the leading role of science and technology is prominent. The conference will set up the World New Energy and New Materials Exhibition with an exhibition area of ​​50,000 square meters. It will focus on building core display sections such as international cooperation, intelligent manufacturing, scientific and technological innovation, technologica...

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  • Steel Industry Rule of Law 2024 Annual Working Conference and Compliance Management Training Course Successfully Held
    June 27, 2024

    In order to implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law, according to the relevant deployment of the Opinions of China Iron and Steel Industry Association on Further Strengthening the Rule of Law Construction (2021-2025), to promote the compliance management of the member enterprises, to enhance the risk prevention ability of the enterprises, and to strengthen the construction of rule of law of the enterprises in a comprehensive manner, with the consent of the Party Committee of China Iron and Steel Industry Association (hereinafter referred to as the Steel Association) With the consent of the Party Committee of China Iron and Steel Industry Association (hereinafter referred to as CISIA), the annual working meeting of Rule of Law Construction in Iron and Steel Industry 2024 and the training course on compliance management were successfully held on June 21-23 at Wanshouyan College of Fujian Sangang. Mr. Li Lizhang, Vice President of the Association, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of Fujian Sangang Group (Limited) (hereinafter referred to as Sangang Group), came to the Rule of Law Construction of Iron and Steel Industry 2024 Annual Working Conference and delivered a speech; Mr. Chen Hongfei, Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Secretary of Discipline Inspection Committee of the Association, delivered a concluding speech; Mr. Chen Rongnian, Member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee of Sangang Group attended the meeting; and Mr. Chen Xinliang, Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee of the Association, participated in the meeting and read the motion of adjusting the Legal Chen Xinliang, Deputy Secretary of Discipline Inspection Committee of Steel Association, attended the meeting and read out the motion of adjusting the vice president of Steel Association Legal Branch. Mr. Li Fengzhang, President of Legal Branch of Steel Association, Dean of Law School of Shanghai University, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee and Professor, Mr. Zhu Guangsheng, Vice President and Secretary General of Legal Branch of Steel Association, and Mr. Huang Yige, General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer and Manager of Legal Affairs and Risk Control Department of SISCO, presided over the meeting respectively. Bao Yanli (General Counsel of Hegang Group, Director of Legal Compliance Department), Dong Lizhi (Vice President and General Counsel of Shanshan Steel Group), Hu Mingzhe (General Counsel of Baosteel Group, Chief Compliance Officer), Fu Peizhong (Deputy General Manager of Henan Iron and Steel Group), Lian Guizhi (Assistant to Chairman of Shagang Group), Tang Jianxin (General Counsel of China Steel Research and Science and Technology Group, Chief Compliance Officer), Zhang Fu (Legal Director of Shanghai Delong Iron & Steel), Cai Lei (Head of Legal Compliance Department of CITIC Pacific Special Steel), Wang Fei (Vice Pres...

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  • New Lot of Tower Accessories Export Packaging and Crating Site
    June 25, 2024

    A new batch of tower accessories has been produced and packed for shipment, including 30 barrels of metal parts. According to customer's requirements, each pallet is loaded with two barrels. However, since the shaking during transportation may cause the barrel to move, we welded a fixed metal on the pallet.   

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  • Camouflaged Palm Tree Telecom Tower Bionic Housing Assembly
    June 18, 2024

    According to the specific requirements of the customer, we did not make the palm tree tower skin as usual, but used installed tree skin. Compared with wrapped bark, installed bark is easier to maintain in the future.        

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  • Seminar on Localization Substitution of Imported Servo Valves Was Held
    June 13, 2024

    On June 5, a seminar on the localization of imported servo valves for special steel enterprises was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu. The meeting was hosted by the Metallurgical Equipment Branch of the China Special Steel Enterprises Association (hereinafter referred to as the "Association") and organized by AVIC Nanjing Servo Control System Co., Ltd. (AVIC 609 Hydraulic Servo Division, hereinafter referred to as AVIC Servo). The theme of the meeting was "Promoting the localization of electro-hydraulic servo valves and promoting the high-quality development of special steel enterprises." The meeting analyzed the pain points, blockages and difficulties in the localization of equipment and spare parts for special steel enterprises, introduced the business scope of AVIC Servo and the servo valve replacement model, and shared the results of the localization application of servo valves to promote the quality upgrade and supply security of equipment management in special steel enterprises. Yu Kou, senior consultant of China Special Steel Enterprise Association, and Wang Yongjian, chairman of Metallurgical Equipment Branch, delivered speeches to the conference respectively. Zhang Wenqiang, chairman of AVIC Nanjing Servo Control System Co., Ltd., delivered a keynote report. Nearly 100 representatives from special steel enterprises attended the meeting. Yu Kou said in his speech that the association and the Metallurgical Equipment Branch actively explored the collaborative work of the industrial chain and included the construction of a supply and demand cooperation platform for the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain in this year's key work. At present, the special steel industry is committed to the transformation and upgrading of high-end, intelligent and green, among which the localization of high-end equipment is particularly critical, striving for breakthroughs and avoiding being controlled by others. The association will carry out in-depth cooperation with various domestic metallurgical equipment companies in terms of platform exchanges, enterprise services, and industrial chain improvement, provide good services for the localization of metallurgical equipment, and jointly promote the progress and development of the special steel industry.  Wang Yongjian introduced that the Metallurgical Equipment Branch is specifically responsible for the localization of metallurgical equipment and spare parts. By the end of 2023, the branch had completed nearly 400 localization projects for equipment and spare parts. In 2024, the branch will intensify its efforts, continue to do a good job in the localization of high-end key equipment and spare parts, and gradually solve the problem of domestic substitution of some foreign equipment and spare parts.   At the meeting, Zhang Wenqiang, chairman of AVIC Servo, introduced the business situation of AVIC Servo. He said that in response to the working conditions of large vibration, high water vapor and h...

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  • Expert Symposium on The Evaluation of "Dual Carbon Best Practice Energy Efficiency Benchmark Demonstration" Was Held
    June 02, 2024

    In 2022, the "Three-Year Action Plan for Energy Efficiency Benchmarking in the Steel Industry" was officially launched. In the past two years, the Iron and Steel Association has actively carried out the cultivation and acceptance of the "Dual Carbon Best Practice Energy Efficiency Benchmarking Demonstration" to ensure that the ultimate energy efficiency project is implemented. This year, the Iron and Steel Association will accept the cultivation enterprises that submit the evaluation application form and evaluation report. In order to better carry out the acceptance work, on May 23, the "Dual Carbon Best Practice Energy Efficiency Benchmarking Demonstration" evaluation expert symposium of the steel ultimate energy efficiency project was held in Yancheng, Jiangsu, and the relevant matters of the acceptance work were discussed. Zhang Yongjie, executive director of the Iron and Steel Association, presided over the symposium. It is understood that in March this year, the China Iron and Steel Association officially issued a document to recruit experts for the acceptance and review of the energy efficiency benchmark demonstration of the ultimate energy efficiency project of steel. A total of 185 experts from 55 units submitted the "Expert Entry Recommendation Form" and "Expert Commitment Letter". After the formal review of the application materials, the questionnaire expert review, and the comprehensive evaluation of professional fields, work experience and technical achievements, 106 experts for the acceptance and review of the energy efficiency benchmark demonstration of the ultimate energy efficiency project of steel were selected, of which 18 were selected for the acceptance and review secretary group. At the expert symposium, Zhang Yongjie introduced the progress of the current acceptance work. Gao Xue, deputy chief engineer and director of the Energy Department of the Metallurgical Industry Planning Institute, interpreted the key points of the "Steel Industry "Dual Carbon Best Practice Energy Efficiency Benchmark Demonstration" On-site Verification Manual (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Manual"). Wang Xuewu from the Science and Technology and Environmental Protection Department of the Iron and Steel Association introduced the collection and summary of the expert questionnaires issued earlier. Zhao Zedong, energy director of Hegang Leting Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., made a special report entitled "Energy Measurement Based on Extreme Energy Efficiency". Shi Junjie, senior engineer of the Energy Department of the Metallurgical Industry Planning Institute, interpreted the key points of the group standard "Energy Efficiency Benchmark Evaluation Specifications for Key Processes of Steel Enterprises" (hereinafter referred to as the "Evaluation Specifications"). Afterwards, the participating experts spoke one after another and conducted in-depth and detailed discussions on the specific matters of the acceptance work. In the next step, the Iron an...

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  • 2024 SAMENA Leadership Summit Concluded Perfectly
    May 15, 2024

    The 2024 SAMENA Leaders Summit came to a perfect conclusion, and the Middle East glasses-free 3D industry promotion initiative was successfully launched   The annual SAMENA Leadership Summit was successfully held on May 13 at the Atlantis Hotel in Dubai. The event, with the theme of "Smart Future: Intelligent and Sustainable Development of Infrastructure", brought together more than 20 regulatory agencies, More than 30 operators and more than 300 industry leaders jointly discussed core topics such as "leading the 5G-A era", "digital transformation", and "GCC spectrum opportunities", aiming to promote Asia, the Middle East and Africa to move towards a more prosperous smart world . Big names in the ICT industry attending the SAMENA Leaders Summit include regulatory agencies from the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and other countries, industry organizations represented by GSMA and WBBA, operator representatives from the Middle East, Asia and Africa, ICT infrastructure representatives such as Huawei and Nokia, and Enterprises, analysts, application ecosystem partners, industry media, etc. Representatives from all parties spoke freely and focused on key issues such as creating sustainable 5G-A connections and ecosystem aggregation platforms to promote cooperation and accelerate the growth of the digital economy. During the summit, Oman Telecom, Zain Group, LAiPIC AI, Stereocom, Lanshen 3D, etc. jointly launched the "Middle East Glasses-free 3D Industry Promotion Initiative". Global industry partners are working together to leverage 5G/5G-A, AI and computing network capabilities to accelerate the standardization of key naked-eye 3D technologies, build ecological capabilities, and incubate innovative applications to achieve a new upgrade in user visual experience and jointly create new industry value. The naked-eye 3D ecosystem has basically matured, and users can easily and freely enjoy a natural and comfortable 3D experience through a variety of terminal devices. The high-speed and low-latency characteristics of 5G and 5G-A networks, the super processing power of the computing network, and the support of AI capabilities will further enhance the true immersion and interactive convenience of naked-eye 3D, bringing users a new visual experience Upgrade and bring good industry development opportunities to the large-scale commercial use of naked-eye 3D. 2024 will be a critical year for the large-scale commercialization of naked-eye 3D. It is urgent to further promote the collaborative development of naked-eye 3D display, AI technology, content, applications, networks and other parties. This glasses-free 3D industry promotion initiative aims to integrate industry resources and conduct further discussions and research on the development trends and technology evolution directions of the glasses-free 3D industry. At the same time, operators and industry partners will collaborate more closely to promote the commercialization process of glasses-free 3D:...

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  • China Telecom Launches Direct Mobile Phone Satellite Connection Service in Hong Kong
    May 11, 2024

    On May 8, China Telecom held a launch conference for the mobile phone direct-connect satellite service in Hong Kong, officially announcing the launch of the mobile phone direct-connect satellite service based on Tiantong Satellite System in Hong Kong. It will use this as a new starting point to simultaneously launch Tiantong Satellite. A new journey for international operation of mobile systems. With the theme of "Mobile phones are always online, communications are never lost", the conference attracted representatives from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Hong Kong Investment Promotion Agency, local telecom operators, and satellite industry chain partners from many countries and regions. Attend the press conference.   In his speech, Chen Lidong, director of the Emergency Telecommunications Support Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, fully affirmed the achievements China Telecom has made in recent years in firmly implementing the "Belt and Road" initiative, deepening the "Belt and Road" international cooperation, and promoting high-quality infrastructure interconnection construction. He also said that the direct connection of mobile phone satellite services to operations in Hong Kong will play a positive role in carrying out emergency communications such as disaster relief and maritime rescue, ensuring the safety of people's lives and property, and radiating and promoting the joint construction of the "Belt and Road". Yu Xiao, vice president and president of the Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association, said that as an important node of the "Belt and Road Initiative", Hong Kong can give full play to its own advantages and connect the world with information. The mobile phone direct connection satellite service will bring better and more convenient communication services to Hong Kong users. This is an important measure for China Telecom to actively implement new quality productivity requirements and implement internationalization strategies. It is also an important step for Chinese-funded enterprises in Hong Kong to rely on Hong Kong talents. , technology, and internationalization advantages, a vivid case that supports the construction of Hong Kong’s international innovation and technology center. In the future, the Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association will further strengthen cooperation with China Telecom and actively promote the development of Hong Kong's digital economy. Tang Ke, deputy general manager of China Telecom, said that for a long time, China Telecom has been deeply involved in cloud network integration, accelerating intelligent computing upgrades, promoting intelligent network interconnection, and integrating the world and the earth. It has actively promoted various important achievements and mature products, and has provided high-quality economic and social services. Quality development provides new momentum. Through unremitting efforts and technical research, China Telec...

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  • Huawei Joins Hands with China Telecom to Promote 5G-A into The Commercial Fast Lane
    May 07, 2024

    After five years of development, China's 5G is not only far ahead in the world, but also changing our production and lifestyle in many fields. At the same time, businesses such as live broadcast e-commerce, naked-eye 3D, remote control, and flexible production are on the rise, placing higher demands on network bandwidth and latency. As a 5G evolution technology, 5G-A is developing at the right time. 2024 is regarded by the industry as the first year of 5G-A commercialization.   As we all know, the first version of 5G-A3GPP (R18) will be frozen in the first half of this year, and the industry’s first batch of 5G-A full-scenario and full-series solutions have been released. Not only that, the three major operators have also used the high bandwidth, low latency, positioning accuracy and other characteristics of 5G-A technology to do a lot of technology and scenario exploration and innovation.   As the main force in technological innovation and network construction, China Telecom has joined hands with Huawei and other industry chain partners to create benchmark projects in the fields of 3CC (Three Carrier Aggregation) and RedCap in Shanghai, Hubei, Shaanxi, Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangsu and other places in the past year. .   So, what value will these innovations and achievements bring to the industry? In order to quickly promote 5G-A towards commercial use, what preparations need to be made in the industry chain? What other trends should we pay attention to in the future? Let’s take a look at the interpretation one by one. At the beginning of 2024, 5G-A frequently spreads good news. It turns out that China Telecom has completed 3CC contiguous deployment in multiple provinces and cities.   3CC is a new term, I believe many people find it novel. In fact, 3CC (Component Carriers) refers to three-carrier aggregation, which is also one of the key features of 5G-A. 3CC can combine the operator's three frequency bands of 5G signals to transmit more data, just like merging three different lanes into a wider highway.   3CC is really an artifact to deal with the network bandwidth bottleneck caused by new services such as live broadcast and cloud games! It is understood that Shanghai Telecom, Guangdong Telecom, Shaanxi Telecom, Hubei Telecom and Fujian Telecom have become the first batch of people to eat crabs.   Shanghai is at the forefront of 5G development in the country, and it is even more pioneering in the 5G-A era. On January 25, Shanghai Telecom and Huawei completed the first F+T 3CC 100-site deployment in China. By using 3.5GHz+2.1GHz three-carrier aggregation technology, the measured downlink rate was nearly 4Gbps and the uplink rate was nearly 1Gbps. For Hengshan Road in Xuhui District The user experience in densely populated areas has been significantly improved.   The booming development of the live broadcast economy has put forward higher requirements for both the uplink and downlink experience of 5G net...

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  • Tower Accessories Export Packaging and Crating Site
    April 26, 2024

    Tower accessories contains bending parts, drilling parts and cutting parts. All the packaging are customized as per client's requirements on quantity per metal crates. All parts weighing 20 MT are finished in 30 days, include several customized tube structures.      More Tower Solutions at Altai Tower Co., Ltd    Tel : +86 532 55578185  Whatsapp : +852 6266 7210  

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  • Microsoft Unveils Phi-3 Mini, A Lightweight AI Model Runs on Smartphones
    April 25, 2024

    Microsoft recently released a lightweight AI model called Phi-3 Mini, which is designed to run on smartphones and other local devices. The 3.8 billion parameter model is the first of three Phi-3 language models to be released by Microsoft. The goal is to provide a more affordable alternative to cloud-driven large language models, making AI technology accessible to smaller organizations. Microsoft says that the Phi-3 Mini easily outperforms previous Phi-2 mini-models and is on par with larger models like the Llama 2. Surprisingly, the responsiveness of this new model is close to that of those with 10 times the size of the parameters.   In their paper, the research team notes that the key to this innovation lies in the training dataset they use. The dataset is based on the Phi-2 model, but incorporates "tightly filtered network data and synthetic data." This unique way of constructing datasets is inspired by children's books that use simpler language to illustrate complex topics, effectively enabling smaller language models to be more effective. While Phi-3 Mini may not be able to compete with cloud-powered large language models in some ways, it has demonstrated strength over Phi-2 and other small language models (e.g., Mistral, Gemma, Llama-3-In) in tasks ranging from math to programming to academic testing. What's more, this model can run on a device as simple as a smartphone, and it doesn't require an internet connection.   However, the main limitation of the Phi-3 Mini is its breadth of "factual knowledge", which is mainly due to its relatively small training dataset. As a result, it did not perform very well in the "TriviaQA" test. Still, it's a big step forward for models that only need to work with smaller internal datasets. Microsoft hopes that by rolling out such a model, AI technology will be accessible to companies that can't afford to connect to a large language model in the cloud.   Currently, Phi-3 Mini is already available on platforms such as Azure, Hugging Face, and Ollama. Microsoft also plans to release more powerful Phi-3 Small and Phi-3 Medium models, with 7 billion and 14 billion parameters, respectively.

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