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  • Global Green Intelligent Supply Chain Cooperation Conference Held
    April 19, 2024

    On April 16, local time in Serbia, the HBIS ( Serbia) Global Green Intelligent Supply Chain Cooperation Conference was held in Belgrade. HBIS in the world took a more open attitude and discussed the future development of steel with global partners. Serbian President Vucic sent a congratulatory letter to the conference. Yu Yong, Chairman of HBIS Group, and Jelena Begovic, Minister of Science and Technology of Serbia, attended the conference and delivered speeches. Daniel Rui Felicio, Global President of Siemens Iventa Solutions, delivered a keynote speech.   Vucic pointed out in his congratulatory letter that the HBIS (Serbia) Global Green Smart Supply Chain Cooperation Conference, with the theme of “Gathering in Serbia to build a green smart supply chain”, is a commendable event that resonates with Serbia’s future vision. . The conference attracted the participation of award-winning global companies such as Siemens, Haier Group, C&D Group, Primetals, Danieli, Hasco and Tenon, which also reflected Serbia’s growing investment attractiveness. Serbia fully recognizes the important role that similar international conferences play in promoting dialogue among industry leaders and establishing strategic partnerships. We believe that this conference will become a valuable platform for achieving win-win cooperation. Serbia supports its commitment to promoting economic development and international cooperation-related initiatives, actively supports the convening of this conference, and wishes the Global Green Smart Supply Chain Cooperation Conference a success.   In his speech, Yu Yong, on behalf of HBIS, thanked global strategic partners for their long-term high trust and support for HBIS, and extended a warm welcome to the guests attending the conference. He pointed out that currently, the new technological revolution is accelerating the reconstruction of the global supply chain, and green and smart technologies have become the main theme of global industrial development. Today, we are deepening supply chain cooperation in Serbia around green intelligence. This is a vivid practice of promoting industrial integration and development through technological innovation. It has a positive impact on accelerating the reconstruction of the global green intelligent supply chain and promoting the green transformation and intelligent upgrading of global industries. significant role. Globalization allows different countries, regions, and enterprises to have the best resources and cooperation methods to the greatest extent. HBIS is full of confidence in cooperation around the world. The restructuring of the global supply chain based on green, smart, and low-carbon opportunities has brought us new cooperation opportunities in all aspects. HBIS is willing to work with global partners in Europe and Serbia to explore better ways of cooperation, exert stronger strategic synergy value, and contribute wisdom and strength to promote global...

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  • U.S. Steel Shareholders Approve Sale of Company to Nippon Steel
    April 17, 2024

    U.S. Steel shareholders approved the sale of the company to Nippon Steel. About 71% of U.S. Steel shareholders voted in favor at the special meeting, but opposition from unions and ongoing regulatory scrutiny have cast doubt on the $14.1 billion deal.  U.S. Steel shareholders approved the deal amid widespread expectations. Under the terms of the deal, Nippon Steel will pay $55 per share, a price that was seen as a huge premium when the takeover was announced in December. However, some U.S. lawmakers have since publicly expressed opposition to the deal, citing national security concerns. U.S. President Joe Biden also said that U.S. Steel must remain an American company. Affected by the transaction, U.S. Steel's stock price closed down 2.1% on Friday.  At the same time, the deal has also triggered strong criticism from the United Steelworkers (USW), who are worried that it may cause workers to lose their jobs. In response to the vote, USW said: "We are not surprised that shareholders have chosen to cash out and sell employees and retirees of this iconic American company."  In addition, regulatory agencies are also reviewing the transaction. According to Reuters, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), the agency responsible for reviewing foreign investments in U.S. companies, has met with all parties to discuss the matter.  On the other hand, according to Politico, the U.S. Department of Justice has launched an in-depth antitrust investigation into the acquisition.  Nippon Steel has promised not to lay off workers due to the agreement, will abide by all agreements with the U.S. Steel union, and plans to move its U.S. headquarters to Pittsburgh, where U.S. Steel is located. In this bid, Nippon Steel defeated rivals Cleveland Cliffs, ArcelorMittal and Nucor and successfully won the right to acquire U.S. Steel.  However, U.S. Steel shares have not yet reached the $55 offer price, suggesting investors expect the controversy surrounding the deal to delay the closing. The companies had previously said the deal was expected to close in the second or third quarter of this year. But Bloomberg News, citing people familiar with the matter, reported that the two steelmakers are expected to announce that the deal is expected to be completed in the second half of 2024.   

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  • Jin Zhuanglong Went to The National Radio Monitoring Center for Investigation
    April 11, 2024

    Jin Zhuanglong Went to The National Radio Monitoring Center for Investigation   On April 10, Jin Zhuanglong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, visited the National Radio Monitoring Center for investigation, visited the National Radio Management Development History Exhibition Hall and the National Radio Testing Laboratory, listened to party building and business work reports, and fully affirmed the achievements achieved. . Xie Yuansheng, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry and Director of the Radio Administration Bureau, and Gao Dongsheng, Chief Economist of the Ministry, participated in the survey.   Jin Zhuanglong pointed out that radio spectrum resources are national strategic scarce resources and an important foundation and guarantee for promoting new industrialization and developing new productive forces. It is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on radio management and important expositions on new industrialization, integrate the radio industry into the overall development of the party and the country, coordinate high-quality development and high-level security, and implement the national mid- and long-term radio spectrum plan, focusing on building a modern spectrum governance system that integrates development, utilization, and protection, effectively safeguarding national electromagnetic space security, and providing solid support for accelerating the construction of a manufacturing, aerospace, and network power.     Jin Zhuanglong emphasized that the monitoring center is an important force supporting the national radio management work, with obvious professional characteristics and strong technical strength. It is necessary to further improve development strategies and plans, continue to consolidate and innovate development, and strive to build a national team for radio technology, electromagnetic space safety monitoring, and major event guarantees. It is necessary to strengthen research on major issues, focus on key areas such as global spectrum resource management, 5G/6G, and satellite Internet, strengthen situation analysis and judgment, improve decision-making support capabilities, and accelerate the construction of distinctive and professional think tanks. It is necessary to improve core business capabilities, continuously improve spectrum resource development and utilization support capabilities and electromagnetic space security assurance technical levels, and actively participate in international radio management affairs. It is necessary to comprehensively improve the level of scientific management, strengthen system construction and risk prevention and control, and lay a solid foundation for long-term and stable development.     Jin Zhuanglong emphasized that we must resolutely shoulder the political responsibilit...

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  • New 10-12 Meters Cell on Wheels ( COW) to be Exported
    April 09, 2024

    Model Number AT-C12   Type Telecommunication Tower   Place of Origin Shandong, China   Product name Cell on Wheels ( COW)   Application Emergency Command Vehicle\surveillance\etc   Color Customized Color   Mea. 1.6 m2   Weight 2 MT   Height Max 10-12 Meters   Antenna Load: 300 kgs   Antenna No. 3   New Cell on Wheels ( COW) Ready for Shipment Display:  Transportation Mode     Height of Antenna      Inner Structure:    Charging Interface:  Product Overview:    More Cell on Whees ( COW) solutions at Altai Tower Co., Ltd  Tel : +86 532 55578185  Whatsapp : +86 158 9888 8891  

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  • 2024 World Telecommunication and Information Society Day Conference and Series of Activities Scheduled
    April 07, 2024

    Hosted by the China Society of Communications, hosted by Beijing Xintong Media Co., Ltd., China Telecom Zhejiang Company, China Mobile Zhejiang Company, China Unicom Zhejiang Company, China Radio and Television Zhejiang Company, China Tower Zhejiang Company, China Telecom, China Mobile, The "2024 World Telecommunications and Information Society Day Conference and Series of Activities" supported by China Unicom, China Radio and Television, and China Tower will be held in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province from May 16 to 18. The conference and series of activities will be themed "Digital Innovation Empowers New Industrialization", and will invite relevant ministries, provincial and municipal leaders, well-known experts and scholars, representatives of ministry-affiliated units, representatives of local industry and information technology departments, representatives of their cities, and national industry associations , representatives of universities and scientific research institutions, representatives of operators and enterprises, representatives of the information and communication industry, representatives of industry enterprises, and media reporters gathered in Ningbo to discuss the new development of the information and communication industry. Note: The 2023 World Telecommunications and Information Society Day conference and series of activities will be grand. In addition, a series of activities such as industrial development and technology trend discussions, results release, and government-enterprise docking will also be held during the conference. It will also strengthen Zhejiang Province’s concept of “running a conference well and improving a city” to help Zhejiang people’s yearning and pursuit of a better digital life, improve people’s quality of life and benefit society. In addition, the conference will also organize the "Exhibition of Outstanding Achievements in Digital Intelligence Zhejiang" to attract in-depth communication and exchanges between the ICT industry, industry enterprises and local governments.

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  • Apple Explores Glass Substrate Chip Packaging Technology to Help Chips Break Through Performance Bottlenecks
    April 01, 2024

    According to Digitimes, citing supply chain sources, Apple is actively discussing with multiple suppliers to apply glass substrate technology to chip development. Industry insiders generally believe that the application of glass substrates will bring revolutionary breakthroughs to chip technology and is expected to become one of the key directions for future chip development.    Traditional chips’ printed circuit boards ( PCBs) are typically made from a mix of fiberglass and resin. This material does not dissipate heat well, and the heat generated during operation of the chip can cause its performance to degrade ( thermal throttling). This means that the chip can only maintain maximum performance for a short period of time, and has to run at a reduced frequency once the temperature gets too high.    The glass substrate is resistant to high temperatures, allowing the chip to maintain peak performance for a longer period of time. At the same time, the ultra-flat properties of the glass substrate allow for more precise etching, allowing components to be arranged more closely together and increasing circuit density per unit area.    Currently, Intel leads the way in this technology, but other companies are trying to catch up. According to reports, Samsung has begun developing glass substrate technology, and Apple is also in close discussions with it and other undisclosed suppliers.    Industry experts point out that glass substrates are not only an innovation in materials, but also a global technology competition. In addition to substrate manufacturers, global IT equipment manufacturers and chip manufacturers will also actively participate. Samsung has a unique advantage in this area because the production process of glass substrates is similar to that of advanced multi-layer displays.    In the past, chip performance improvements mainly relied on continuous shrinkage of manufacturing processes, and this shrinkage is about to reach physical limits. The industry is skeptical about the future development of Moore's Law, so new materials such as glass substrates are regarded as the key to breaking through bottlenecks and maintaining chip performance growth.    However, glass substrates also have many technical problems, such as fragility, insufficient adhesion to metal wires, and difficulty in controlling the uniformity of through-hole filling. In addition, the high transparency of glass and the different reflectivity from silicon will also cause difficulties in the detection and measurement process. Many existing measurement techniques are designed for opaque or translucent materials, and measurement accuracy may be compromised when using these techniques on glass substrates.    Despite the challenges, glass substrates are still regarded by the industry as one of the future development directions of chip packaging. Apple's active participation may accelerate the maturity of gla...

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  • Global Crude Steel Production in February 2024 Was 148.8 Million Tons, A Year-on-year Increase of 3.7%
    March 27, 2024

    March 22, 2024 | Brussels, Belgium, Global crude steel production in February 2024   In February 2024, the global crude steel output of the 71 countries included in the statistics of the World Steel Association was 148.8 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 3.7%. In February 2024, the global crude steel output of the 71 countries included in the statistics of the World Steel Association was 148.8 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 3.7%.   Crude steel production by region   In February 2024, Africa's crude steel production was 1.8 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 8.1%; Asia and Oceania's crude steel production was 109.7 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 3.9%; the European Union (27 countries) crude steel production was 10.6 million tons, a year-on-year decrease 3.3%; crude steel production in other European countries was 3.7 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 32.5%; Middle East crude steel production was 4.2 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 10.8%; North American crude steel production was 8.7 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 1.3%; Russia and other The crude steel output of the CIS + Ukraine was 6.7 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 2.5%; the crude steel output of South America was 3.5 million tons, an increase of 10.5% year-on-year.

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  • The Key to Developing New Productive Forces Is to Promote Industrial Innovation through Scientific and Technological Innovation
    March 25, 2024

    (CWW) Since it was first proposed in September 2023, new productivity has become a hot word in the Chinese economy. At the National Two Sessions in 2024, new productivity was included in the government work report for the first time, and accelerating the development of new productivity was listed at the top of the top ten tasks in 2024. At a time when new productivity has become a hot word, how to speed up the development of new productivity has become a topic discussed by all walks of life.   On March 20, at the "2024 Mobile Resale Industry Ecological Development Conference" hosted by Xintong Media·Communication World All Media, hosted by the Internet of Industry, and co-organized by the Virtual Operation Branch of the China Communications Enterprises Association, Deputy Chief Engineer of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology He Wei said that after reviewing the content of new productivity in existing reports and meetings, it can be found that to accelerate the development of new productivity, it is especially important to give full play to the leading role of innovation and promote industrial innovation with technological innovation. Promoting industrial innovation through scientific and technological innovation is the core element of developing new productive forces. At the same time, industrial innovation will help accelerate the application and implementation of scientific and technological innovation achievements.   Talking about why technological innovation should be used to promote industrial innovation, He Wei explained that "innovation" is the entire chain from front-end basic research, applied basic research, to technology development, productization, and then to scale and industrialization. Technological innovation mainly focuses on the improvement of scientific and technological levels. Industrial innovation is the process of using scientific and technological innovation results to form new industries or transform existing industries. Its goal is to apply appropriate factor inputs, technical levels and organizational methods to obtain higher value output benefits. Therefore, accelerating the promotion of industrial innovation is particularly important for the development of new productive forces.     "Under the new situation, the need for industrial innovation is becoming more urgent." He Wei said, on the one hand, digitalization is integrating and penetrating into the industrial economy in an unprecedented way, and giving birth to digital economic forms, artificial intelligence, quantum information, humanoid robots, brain-computer Digital technologies such as interfaces will become the biggest variables of the times and technology. On the other hand, the global division of labor has driven the continuous adjustment of the competition pattern, factor structure and development direction of the value chain. Countries have seized the key hub position in the global innovation network. T...

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  • China Mobile Creates "Four-integration" Internet of Vehicles Solution
    March 19, 2024

    From March 15th to 17th, the China Electric Vehicles 100 Forum (2024) with the theme of "Consolidating and Expanding the Development Advantages of New Energy Vehicles" was held at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. At the Chelu City sub-forum on the 15th, Huang Gang, deputy general manager of China Mobile Research Institute, made a speech about the "four integrations" of the Internet of Vehicles industry, which attracted industry attention.  At the beginning of 2024, China Mobile Chairman Yang Jie proposed the idea of actively grasping the trend of the "AI+" era and promoting the extension of "5G+" to "AI+". Based on this, the Shanghai Research Institute has delved into 5G-A technology to build a new infrastructure of "ubiquitous integration" to provide integrated services of information perception, transmission, storage and processing for AI+ applications.  Technology Empowerment and Ubiquitous Integration Based on industry needs in the field of Internet of Vehicles, China Mobile continues to carry out innovative exploration and implementation practices with Chinese characteristics. It is against this background that the four integration concepts of 5G+V2X communication integration, vehicle-road computing power integration, vehicle+city+cloud integration, and people+vehicle+home integration were proposed.    From 5G to 5G-A, the Shanghai Research Institute has used China Mobile's strong basic network capabilities to keep pace with industry needs and continuously evolve to provide users with low-latency, wide coverage, stable and reliable communication services. China Mobile's 5G-A+V2X partially enhanced converged networking can ensure data follow-up delivery, entrance delivery and adaptive variable range delivery, achieving car cloud information service latency as low as 20ms@99%, Excellent results with wide area coverage and low comprehensive cost.    Vehicle-road computing power is integrated, with low-latency computing power to meet roadside perception calculations, and hierarchical large computing power to support vehicle-side data processing. The roadside is based on AI deep learning detection algorithms and improves the identification and prediction of traffic elements through perception models. Accuracy, achieving a fusion perception recognition rate of no less than 95%, effectively making up for the vehicle-side perception field of view and accuracy, and there is no shortage of intelligent computing and supercomputing to support large model training. The characteristics of cloud-edge collaboration and on-demand deployment ensure the computing power needs of different applications, reducing computing power investment by 10%-35%, forming a safe, trustworthy, stable and reliable unified operation and maintenance management and guarantee system.    Car + City + Cloud Integration is to connect and empower the dynamic traffic information provided by the city with the vehicle-side sensing shared i...

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  • Apple Announces Expansion of Applied Research Labs in China
    March 13, 2024

    On March 12, Apple announced that it will expand its applied research laboratories in China to support product manufacturing. It will expand and add new laboratories in Shanghai and Shenzhen to provide intelligent manufacturing, product reliability, quality and material analysis. provide support.   This expansion is a continuation of Apple’s continued investment in R&D and development in China. Apple currently has R&D centers in Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou and Shenzhen. Apple said the Shanghai laboratory will enhance the capabilities of the Shanghai research center, and the Shenzhen laboratory opened later this year will deepen cooperation with local suppliers and enhance testing and research capabilities for iPhone, iPad, Apple Vision Pro and other products. .   According to Apple’s official data, the company’s investment in China’s advanced applied research laboratories has exceeded 1 billion yuan, and this investment will continue to grow with the addition of new facilities in Shenzhen.   "The laboratory is located close to the production and assembly base, and engineers can work more closely with suppliers to share expertise in high-tech production processes to enable real-time adjustments and help suppliers improve efficiency and save valuable time." Apple Ge Yue, vice president and managing director of Greater China, said that the laboratory aims to provide resources for global engineering and design teams to help test prototypes, make improvements and ensure that each device can meet the corresponding quality and performance standards.   At the same time, the application laboratory team is also constantly innovating in smart manufacturing, product quality and the use of recycled materials.   Apple CEO Tim Cook said at the company's annual shareholder meeting on February 28 that Apple is significantly increasing its investment in artificial intelligence and plans to disclose more plans to use generative artificial intelligence later this year. .

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  • The World's First 400G All-optical Interprovincial Backbone Network Is Officially Commercialized
    March 11, 2024

    The 400G all-optical interprovincial backbone network is a long-distance optical signal transmission network device that can connect edge, center and hub cluster computing power and is the connection hub of the computing power network. Through innovative breakthroughs in key technologies such as 400G QPSK high-performance encoding and decoding technology, C6T+L6T ultra-wide spectrum, and saturated optical power dynamic balance control, it provides ultra-large bandwidth, ultra-low latency, and ultra-high speed for hub cluster computing power integration and collaboration. Capacity, ultra-high security, ultra-high energy efficiency, ultra-high intelligent interconnection and other guarantees. Compared with the previous generation trunk network, the transmission bandwidth has been increased by 4 times, the network capacity exceeds 30PB, the inter-hub latency is less than 20ms, the latency of key active links has been reduced by 20%, the security capabilities have been fully upgraded, and the energy consumption per bit has been reduced by 65%. %, and the cost per bit is reduced by 20%.   The Central Economic Work Conference proposed that technological innovation should be used to promote industrial innovation, especially disruptive and cutting-edge technologies to spawn new industries, new models, and new drivers, and develop new qualitative productivity. The 400G all-optical inter-provincial backbone network will support the innovative cross-regional optimal allocation of production factors such as computing power and data, and support "Eastern data and west computing", "Eastern data and west storage", "Eastern data and west training", "Eastern data and west rendering", etc. The implementation of new applications will promote in-depth transformation and upgrading of the industry. Thanks to the blessing of computing power, applications such as speech recognition, smart factories, smart furniture, and autonomous driving will become more efficient and convenient.   Note: 400G QPSK is Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, which is a transmission encoding method for optical signals. C6T+L6T represents the spectrum resources occupied during optical signal transmission, that is, 6THz in the C-band and 6THz in the L-band.

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  • China Telecom Completed The Successful Project Establishment of The Fourth Phase of NTN Standards in 3GPP SA1
    March 08, 2024

    CWW According to the WeChat public account of China Telecommunications Research Institute, on March 1, 2024, at the 105th meeting of 3GPP SA1, China Telecommunications Research Institute joined forces with vivo, AT&T, CITIC Mobile, Vodafone, MediaTek, China Unicom, Qualcomm, The "Study on satellite access - Phase 4" project led by 37 units including Nokia and Airbus was officially approved.   It is understood that this project is the third 3GPP international standard project breakthrough that China Telecom has achieved in the direction of space and earth integration. It lays a solid foundation for China Telecom to maintain standards leadership in the 3GPP R20 5G-A/6G stage, and also lays a solid foundation for the future NTN network architecture. The enhancement of research and key technology capabilities opens a new chapter. This project focuses on studying the business requirements of 5G-Advanced NTN network to support emergency communications, multi-orbit coordination, high-orbit IMS voice and other business requirements. Based on the actual needs of operators, it will lead the important technical direction of direct connection of mobile phones to satellites and is expected to further promote the satellite communications and mobile communications industries. deep integration.   China Telecom is the first telecom operator in the world to realize "direct connection of mobile phones to satellites". The China Telecom Research Institute has been actively carrying out the development and pilot verification of standards for the integration of space and earth, and hopes to work with industry partners to actively develop in the big science and technology innovation device environment. Promote the rapid implementation of the integrated industry of space and earth.

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