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2024 Cloud Network Summit Forum held

2024 Cloud Network Summit Forum held
March 05, 2024

Communications World Network News (CWW) On February 27, during the 2024 World Mobile Communications Conference (MWC 2024), the China Telecom Cloud Network Summit Forum was successfully held. With the theme of "Unleashing the Digital Potential of Global Interconnection", this forum brings together communications industry leaders and heavyweight enterprise representatives from many countries and regions around the world to discuss the release of global interconnected data with the cloud as the driver and the network as the link.


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Mats Granryd, Director General of the Global System for Mobile Communications Association, pointed out in his speech that China Telecom, as a guiding light in the journey of change, proactively deploys cloud services and strategic network expansion, not only reflects its role in transforming from an operator to a technology-based enterprise. The commitment to leading the way in transformation has also inspired the entire industry.


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Ke Ruiwen, Chairman of China Telecom, said in his speech that as the first telecom operator in the world to propose the concept of cloud-network integration development, China Telecom adheres to the network as the foundation and the cloud as the core, grasps the development direction of artificial intelligence, actively promotes technological innovation, and has achieved a series of achievements. Important innovative breakthroughs. China Telecom will further expand high-level opening up to the outside world, further strengthen technological innovation, actively share its experience in cloud network integration, cloud-to-digital transformation, smart operations, technological innovation, etc., and actively explore and promote international business cooperation and scientific research cooperation, and cooperate with the world More industry chain enterprises, industrial capital, scientific research institutions and other relevant parties will work together to build a new ecosystem of open, shared and win-win cloud and network integration, jointly promote the rapid development of the new generation of information technology, and jointly create a better future in the digital era.




In recent years, China Telecom has been deeply involved in cloud and network integration, accelerating intelligent computing upgrades, promoting intelligent network interconnection, and integrating the world and the earth. It has actively promoted various important results achieved to a wider area around the world, and continues to create opportunities for high-quality development of the global economy and society. new value. During the sharing session, Tang Ke, deputy general manager of China Telecom, released three important results achieved by China Telecom's cloud network integration practice, and proposed a new vision for China Telecom's digital future of "co-discussion, co-construction, sharing, and win-win".


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Achievements 1: Tianyi Cloud global capabilities released. As the most outstanding achievement in China Telecom’s cloud network integration practice, Tianyi Cloud has provided over 200 segmented scenario solutions to 3.5 million corporate users around the world, covering over 5,000 partners in key industries such as finance, energy, construction, and industrial manufacturing. partner. After more than ten years of development, Tianyi Cloud has formed a global "9+30+X+N" cloud resource layout, achieving "centralization + regionalization + localization + marginalization" cloud network infrastructure and more than 113T The bandwidth capabilities radiate to multiple regions around the world. Based on Tianyi Cloud's rich network and extensive edge computing power layout, China Telecom has further made breakthroughs in many key technologies such as computing power scheduling, new generation IT infrastructure, intelligent computing engine platform, and large-model intelligent computing service platform, forming a cloud intelligence An integrated intelligent computing service system.


Result 2: CTGNet capability release. CTGNet is China Telecom's new generation backbone IP international network. By introducing new technologies such as SDN and SRv6 and a new generation of operation systems, it has high-speed ubiquitous, intelligent and agile, safe and reliable connection capabilities, as well as a complete global operation support system. The CTGNet product system includes GT and China Lite products for global Internet transfer services, as well as high-quality international and local Internet access products for Chinese content. While serving the cross-border traffic transfer needs of global operators, CTGNet will also provide more convenient, efficient and cost-controllable network transport for enterprises to expand their global business.


Achievements 3: Release of “mobile phone direct connection to satellite” capability. China Telecom's world-first mobile phone direct-connection satellite service in 2023 enables mass consumer mobile phones to directly connect to satellite two-way voice calls and text message sending and receiving communication services. Even in high mountains and deserts where mobile network signals are difficult to reach, users can still enjoy integrated communications services without changing phones, cards, or numbers. In the future, China Telecom will gradually build a "combination of broadband and narrowband, high and low orbit coordination, and integrated air, space and ground global coverage network" to create intelligent communication services anytime, anywhere and on demand, and strive to promote Tiantong international operations to help build the "One Belt, One Road" The spatial information corridor promotes the upgrading of information infrastructure capabilities in countries along the “Belt and Road”.

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